ZERO 9 Battery 48V 13Ah Li Ion Battery
ZERO 9 Battery 48V 13Ah Li Ion Battery
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ZERO 9 Battery 48V 13Ah Li Ion
Stock battery for Original ZERO 9 48V 13Ah e-scooter. LG cells available too.
China cells have a lifespan of about 350 charge cycles or 1 year of continuous daily use. LG cells have a lifespan of about 600 charge cycles or 2 years of continuous daily use.
Dimension 410 x 113 x 40mm
If your battery is not charging due to low voltage or not having charged in a long time, you might want to try a few diagnostic steps below before swapping out brand new batteries.
Step 1:
Try waking up the battery by unplugging and plugging in the battery connectors.
Step 2:
Try to use a charger of higher voltage to charge the battery for a short period of time.
MSDS for ZERO 9 Battery here.